In order to correct for dectector acceptance, Monte Carlo simulations have been embedded into the data and passed through reconstruction in order to determine the particle efficiencies. The efficiency is (#MC Tracks Reconstructed)/(#MC Tracks Total). The following function is used to fit the efficiencies:
Efficiency = A exp[-(b/pt)c] + d(pt) |
At multiplicities much lower than Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV, the Cu+Cu 22 GeV collisions have negligible variation in efficiency by centrality. Thus the min-bias efficiencies are used for all centralities.
For Reference the Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV Refmult borders are given below in comparison with Au+Au 200 GeV
Centrality | CuCu22 Refmult | AuAu200 Refmult |
top edge | ~155 | ~720 |
5% | ≥ 86 | ≥ 510 |
10% | ≥ 72 | ≥ 431 |
20% | ≥ 51 | ≥ 312 |
30% | ≥ 35 | ≥ 217 |
40% | ≥ 24 | ≥ 146 |
50% | ≥ 16 | ≥ 94 |
60% | ≥ 10 | ≥ 56 |
70% | ≥ 6 | ≥ 30 |
80% | ≥ 4 | ≥ 14 |
The embedding used is from the Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV Dataset for π±, K+, and for protons. The K+ minbias efficiency has been used for K- as well. As a the Au+Au 200 GeV embedding from Run 5 for K- is shown to demonstrate that there is negligible difference between K+ and K- efficiencies (even in a different collision - as long as the appropriate refmult cuts are made).
Since the K+ and K- efficiencies demonstrate that there is negligible difference at these multiplicities even between Cu+Cu 62.4 GeV and Au+Au 200 GeV the latter is used for the p efficiency.
[Note: While there was embedding available for the Cu+Cu 200GeV Dataset, it was not used since it employes an updated tracker in reconstruction which wasn't used in the Cu+Cu 22 GeV dataset.]
Particle | Data Set |
π+ | ≥ 86 |
π- | ≥ 72 |
K+ | ≥ 51 |
K- | ≥ 35 |
p | ≥ 24 |
p | ≥ 16 |
60% | ≥ 10 |
70% | ≥ 6 |
80% | ≥ 4 |
Primary Tracks have been corrected for energy loss in material (mostly before reaching the TPC) with the pion mass assumption. For Kaons, protons and antiprotons, futher correction is needed.