Nuclear Physics Group

E895 Impact Parameter

Bill Caskey, Daniel Cebra
Mike Heffner, Jenn Klay
Physics Department, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616

The goal of this study has been to establish a set of multiplicity cuts which best correlate with given impact parameters. In order to achieve this, we have measured the trigger cross section for the minimum bias runs for all four beam energies. We assume that the multiplicity monotonically increases with centrality (a pretty safe assumption) and that there is a strong correlation between Multiplcity and impact parameter (not such a safe assumption).

[ Trigger Cross Section Determination]

[ JTF Multiplicity Cuts | BTF Multiplicity Cuts | 2 and 4 AGeV Scalers | 6 and 8 AGeV Scalers ]

Last update: 09-Aug-99.


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