Zach, Saeahram, and Mathias took a nice photo in front of Royce Hall during the California EIC Consortium Meeting at UCLA
PhD student Zach Sweger wins best poster at the RHIC AGS Users meeting in Brookhaven, New York. His Poster, titled "How Not to Measure a False QCD Criticial Point" generated a lot of excitement, and resulted in a flash talk to the attendees of the RHIC/AGS Users Meeting.
The UC Davis Nuclear Physics Group went to RHIC this summer (2024) to work in the STAR control room. They used to opportunity to visit STAR in-person. It was awesome!
Zach, Saeahram, Mathias, and Dan stopped in at the San Luis Obispo Mission on their way back from the California Consortium Meeting at UCLA
Last week, members of the NPG group summitted Ralston Peak in spectacular fashion!
Last week, members of the NPG group summitted Ralston Peak in spectacular fashion!
NPG Group lunch at Mexican restaurant Tres Hermanas with NIKHEF colleague Raimond Snellings
UC Davis Nuclear Physics PhD student, Ziyuan Zeng gave a talk at the EIC consortium meeting at UC Berkeley on thermal studies concerning air cooling for a silicon tracker for the fututre Electron-Ion Collider at RHIC.
UC Davis REU students, Eden and Dylan presented their work to the physics department about space radiation safety in the context of long ranged crewed space missions.
UC Davis REU students, Eden and Dylan presented their work to the physics department about space radiation safety in the context of long ranged crewed space missions.
Zach giving an overview about EIC software development at the EIC users group meeting.
Zach giving an overview about EIC software development at the EIC users group meeting.
Last week, Saeahram gave a talk about her work with the CMS detector at the Recontres QGP France in Normandie, France.
UC Davis CMS PhD Candidate Saeahram Yoo in front of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector.
Ziyuan, Matt, and Zach at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL), after data-taking shifts at STAR.
Matt and Ziyuan having fun in front of the Brookhaven National Lab sign.
Saeahram, while stationed at CERN, met Zach in Milan after his succesful talk at the Moriond conference in Italy.
Zach Sweger presenting a STAR BES-II overview talk in Italy.
Frank Gonzalez's interview for the APS March movie, highlighting our research group.
Zach Sweger's interview for the APS March movie, highlighting our research group.
Saeahram Yoo's interview for the APS March movie, highlighting our research group.
Together with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento and La Familia Counseling Center, we held a screening of Secrets of the Universe in celebration of Women’s History Month and Pi Day
Together with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento and La Familia Counseling Center, we held a screening of Secrets of the Universe in celebration of Women’s History Month and Pi Day
Together with the Consulate General of Mexico in Sacramento and La Familia Counseling Center, we held a screening of Secrets of the Universe in celebration of Women’s History Month and Pi Day
Our nuclear physics students answering questions from members of the audience after the screening of the movie, Secrets of the Universe, at the Mondavi Center in Davis, October 2022
The Q&A panel after the Mondavi screening of Secrets of the Universe, (left to right) Andy Fell, Manuel Calderon, Robin Erbacher, Christine McLean, Ota Kukral
Manuel Calderon giving an address before the Mondavi screening of Secrets of the Universe, October 2022
Mondavi Center Screening of SOTU with the Nuclear Physics Group, Group Alumni, other UCD professors, and physics undergradutes
Mondavi Center Screening of SOTU with the Nuclear Physics Group
Mondavi Center Screening of SOTU. Q&A panel contributors: Matthew Harasty, Patty Bolan, Andy Fell, Robin Erbacher, Christine McLean, Ota Kukral, Graham Waegel, and Manuel Calderon de la Barca Sanchez (left to right)
Mondavi Center Screening of SOTU
Mondavi Center Screening of SOTU: Manuel with members of the commuity
Mondavi Center Screening of SOTU: Manuel with members of the commuity
Group at the MOSAC screening of Secrets of the Universe
Mosac Screening of Secrets of the Universe, an IMAX film.
SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity showing of the new IMAX film, staring several group members.
Matthew Harasty, Saeahram Yoo, and Zachary Sweger passed their Oral Qualifying Exam to advance to PhD Candidacy
EIC Meeting at UC Davis
EIC Meeting at UC Davis
EIC Meeting at UC Davis
Physics Group Softball Team
Santona Tuli completed her PhD in 2019 with an analysis of Upsilon production in proton-Pb collisions with CMS
Zachary Sweger presenting material on prospects for backwards production of vector mesons at the Electron Ion Collider (EIC). April 2022.
Zachary Sweger in front of the STAR detector at RHIC in New York, while on detector operator shifts.
NPG ski trip to Boreal. March 2018.
NPG day excursion in Switzerland, on top of Schilthorn. November 2018.
NPG at CERN on top of the CMS Center during the 2018 PbPb run.
NPG at CERN on location in the Magnet Test Facility during the filming of Secrets of the Universe. November 2018. Film crew and NPG members Santona, Manuel, Graham, Ota, and Jared.
NPG Lunch in Taqueria Davis. August 2018.
NPG Hike in Tahoe, July 2018. Matthew, Graham, Jared, Ota, Vince Serracino, Santona, and Ariana Caiati.
Santona's talk at Quark Matter 2018. May 2018.
NPG Hike in Tahoe, August 2017. Graham, Santona, Maine Christos, and Kathleen Engle.
Chad's Commencement Ceremony, June 2017.
Celebrating Chad's and Kathryn's talks at Quark Matter 2017.
Chad Flores's talk at Quark Matter 2017. The CMS heavy-ion bottomonia crew: Songkyo Lee, Jaebeom Park, Manuel, Chad Flores, Yongsun Kim.
On campus, after Santona's Oral exam.
Ota, Abdullah, Chad, Manuel, Santona on top of the CMS center for the pPb run in 2016.
At the APS Far West Meeting hosted by UC Davis.
In CERN Point 5, home of the CMS detector.
Chad Flores in the CMS cavern during maintenance before resuming operations and collecting data for the November 2015 PbPb run at 5.02 TeV.
Hiking in the Sierras, August 2014.
Hiking in Stebbins Cold Canyon near Lake Berryessa, August, 2014.
Part of the group out for Mexican food, July 2014.
The group having a BBQ at Slide Hill Park. We were joined by Robert Vertesi, visiting from the Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences. October 2013.
Anthony Kesich at STAR, installing modules of the Muon Telescope Detector. September 2013.
Michael Gardner in front of the CMS detector at CERN during the Long Shutdown 1. June, 2013.
Chris, Samantha, Daniel, Manuel, Rylan, Juan, Vincent, Todd. May, 2013.
Sevil, Jorge, Rylan, Anthony, Manuel, Guillermo. Bot: Rosi, Evan, Daniel. September, 2012.
Manuel Calderón de la Barca, Samantha Brovko, Evan Sangaline, Anthony Kesich, Drew Peterson, Kamilla, Greg Wimsatt, Chris Flores, Jana, Kurt Hill. April, 2012.
Rylan Conway on one of the superconducting dipole magnet sections that are used for the LHC, next to the CERN Globe of Science and Innovation.
Guillermo Breto Rangel, Jorge Robles, Manuel Calderón de la Barca, Michael Gardner, and Rylan Conway during the Pb+Pb data-taking run at the LHC. November, 2011
Two shift crews with members of UCD nuclear group, and many friends from other institues and countries. April, 2011.
(Top, L to R): Evan, Manuel, Guillermo, Jim Draper, and Jorge. (Bot., L to R): Kurt, Fiona, Michael, Sevil, Anthony, Rosi, Daniel, and Samantha. 3/Feb/2011
Sevil Salur, Evan Sangaline, Rylan Conway, Michael Gardner, Anthony Kesich, and Amanda Kesich. May 2010.