Fall 2001 Heavy Ion Journal Club

Moderator: Tom Gutierrez
CRN: 41618 (must have Friday from 2-5 open to register)
Regular meeting time: Tuesday 2-4 (or so -- probably until 3:30 at the latest) on the 5th floor
Helpful links:
Spires: a very handy site for finding papers. Search by title, author, etc. Quite massive.

Tuesday Nov 27, 2001
Discussion leader: Dan Clayton
Paper:From SPS to RHIC: Breaking the barrier to the quark gluon plasma by Ulrich W. Heinz (Ohio State U.).

Tuesday Nov 20, 2001
Discussion leader: Mark McKinnon
Paper:Review of speculative 'disaster scenarios' at RHIC by W. Busza, R.L. Jaffe (MIT, LNS & MIT), J. Sandweiss (Yale U.), F. Wilczek (Princeton, Inst. Advanced Study)

Tuesday Nov 13, 2001
No Meeting

Tuesday Nov 6, 2001
Discussion leader: Steve Oliver
Paper:Elliptic Flow in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(snn) = 130 GeV

Tuesday Oct 30, 2001
Discussion leader: Mark Allen
Paper: Flow Effects on the Freeze-Out Phase-Space Density in Heavy-Ion Collisions by Boris Tomasik and Ulrich Heinz.

Tuesday Oct 23, 2001
Discussion leader: Tom Gutierrez
Topic: Scheduling and misc. physics.
Nov 6: Steve Oliver -- Elliptic Flow in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s)=130 GeV
Nov 13: Mark McKinnon -- Review of Speculative "Disaster Scenarios" at RHIC
Nov 20: Dan Clayton -- From SPS to RHIC: Breaking the Barrior to the QGP

Tuesday Oct 16, 2001 starting at 2pm
Discussion leader: Trieu Mai
Topic: The basics of particle identification and spectra. Trieu will also go over some kinematics "homework" (not graded) which you can download here (includes solutions): HW1. It may not be a bad idea to go over Chapter 4 of Jenn Klay's thesis (see last week's link), which goes over the ABC's of particle identification.
Special note: I (Tom) will be going to the division of nuclear physics meeting in Hawaii this week and will miss journal club.
Steve, Mark, and Dan: I am still pondering good papers for you to cover later in the quarter.

Tuesday Oct 8, 2001 (from 2-3:30 or so by the 5th floor benches)
Discussion leader: Tom Gutierrez
Chapter 1 of Transverse Mass and Rapidity Spectra of Pions and Protons from Au+Au Collisions at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (Jennifer Klay's Dissertation)

Thursday Oct 4, 2001
Discussion leader: Dan Cebra
Paper: Strange anti-particle to particle ratios at mid-rapidity in sqrt(s_NN)=130 GeV Au+Au Collisions

Summer 2001 Papers:

September 20, 2001 (Stephen)
Sideward Flow in Au + Au Collisions Between 2A GeV and 8A GeV

September 13, 2001 (Ramona)
Mid-rapidity phi production in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(snn)=130 GeV

September 6, 2001 (Dan)
Midrapidity Antiproton-to-Proton Ratio from Au+Au sqrt(snn) = 130 GeV

August 28, 2001 (Mark)
Pion Interferometry of sqrt(s_NN)=130 Gev Au+Au Collisions at RHIC

August 21, 20001 (Trieu)
Elliptic Flow in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(snn) = 130 GeV

August 14, 2001 (Tom)
Energy dependence of particle multiplicities in central Au+Au collisions

August 7, 2001 (Tom)
Charged-particle pseudorapidity density distributions from Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) =130 GeV

June/July (Dan)
Transverse Mass and Rapidity Spectra of Pions and Protons from Au+Au Collisions at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (Jennifer Klay's Dissertation)

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