Bozons Soccer fall'02 results

1st match (17 Oct): won 5:0
2nd match (24 Oct): lost 1:3
3rd match (12 Nov): won 1:0
4th match (13 Nov): won 4:3
5th match (17 Nov): won 2:0
6th match (20 Nov): won 4:0
7th match (24 Nov): lost 0:6 -- beaten in the semifinal.

Laille, Alvin William
Erman, Ari 
O'Toole, Mark Keith
Tanyeri, Melikhan 
Sell, Brian Christopher
Cherney, David Matthew
Picha, Roppon 
Cebra, Daniel 
Pack, Lawrence William
Alexander, Joshua Galen
Petros, Thomas 
Scalettar, Richard 
Gray, Jeremy J.
De Leon, Cesar Roberto
Tolar, David 
McCloud, Peter Lawrence

bozons fall'02 | chaos spring'03 | chaos fall'03
supernovae fall'04 | #51 chicken winter'05 | #51 beef spring'05

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