# #Guillermo Breto Rangel UPC xsection vs root(s) # import math from ROOT import TCanvas, TGraph, TGraphErrors, TF1, TLegend from ROOT import gROOT from math import pow from array import array gROOT.Reset() c1 = TCanvas( 'c1', 'A parameter as funtion of \sqrt{s}', 400, 400, 700, 500 ) #c1.SetFillColor( 42 ) #c1.SetGrid() #n = 3 lumi = 134000 p_T = array( 'd',[0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.5] ) yields_dpT = array( 'd',[3062,2989,6050, 2426, 1687] ) dsigma_dy = array( 'd',[20539./lumi,7251./lumi,3062./lumi,2989./lumi,3191./lumi, 2426./lumi, 1734./lumi] ) err_x = array( 'd',[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3]) err_y = array('d',[167./lumi, 70./lumi, 56./lumi, 56./lumi, 59./lumi, 50./lumi, 42./lumi]) def cross_section(eff, lumi, weighted_jpsi_yield): xsection = weighted_jpsi_yield/(eff*lumi) return xsection lumi = 134/math.pow(10,-3) eff_list = [1, 0.98, 0.95, 0.90, 0.85, 0.80] weighted_jpsi_yield = round(sum(dsigma_dy),4)*lumi for i in range(len(eff_list)): eff = eff_list[i] print "The value of the cross section for ", eff*100,"% efficiency is ", round(cross_section(eff,lumi,weighted_jpsi_yield),3), "mb" print "the total cross ssection is", round(sum(dsigma_dy),4) print dsigma_dy n = len(p_T) gr_dsigma_pT = TGraphErrors(7) for i in range(7): gr_dsigma_pT.SetPoint(i,p_T[i],dsigma_dy[i]/(2.0*math.pi*0.2*p_T[i])) print p_T[i] print dsigma_dy[i]/(0.2*p_T[i]) gr_dsigma_pT.SetPointError(i, 0.1, err_y[i]) if (i == n - 1): gr_dsigma_pT.SetPoint(i,p_T[i],dsigma_dy[i]/(2.0*math.pi*0.6*p_T[i])) gr_dsigma_pT.SetPointError(i, 0.3, err_y[i]) gr = TGraphErrors(7) for i in range(7): gr.SetPoint(i,p_T[i],dsigma_dy[i]) gr.SetPointError(i, 0.1, err_y[i]) if (i == n - 1): gr.SetPoint(i,p_T[i],dsigma_dy[i]/(0.6*p_T[i])) gr.SetPointError(i, 0.3, err_y[i]) #gr = TGraphErrors( 7, p_T, dsigma_dy, err_x, err_y ) #gr.SetLineColor( 2 ) gr.SetLineWidth( 1 ) gr_dsigma_pT.SetLineWidth( 1 ) gr_dsigma_pT.SetMarkerColor(6) gr.SetMarkerColor( 4 ) gr.SetMarkerStyle( 21 ) gr_dsigma_pT.SetMarkerStyle( 24 ) gr.SetTitle( 'p_{T} Spectra' ) gr_dsigma_pT.SetTitle( 'UPC J/#Psi, p_{T} Spectra L = 134 #mub^{-1}' ) gr.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'p_{T} GeV/c' ) gr_dsigma_pT.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'p_{T} GeV/c ' ) gr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 2) #c1.SetLogx() gr.GetYaxis().SetTitle( '#frac{d#sigma}{dy} (#mub)' ) gr_dsigma_pT.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'mb or mb/(GeVc^{-1})^{2}' ) gr.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) gr.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 10) gr_dsigma_pT.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-10, 2) gr_dsigma_pT.Draw('AP') gr.Draw("psame") #gr_dsigma_pT.Draw('same') c1.SetLogy() leg = TLegend(0.53,0.63,0.85,0.85) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillColor(0) leg.SetTextSize(0.03) leg.AddEntry(gr,"#frac{d#sigma}{dy}","P") leg.AddEntry(gr_dsigma_pT,"#frac{d#sigma}{2#pip_{T}dydp_{T}}","P") leg.AddEntry(gr, "the total #sigma = "+ str(round(sum(dsigma_dy),4))+" mb") leg.Draw('same') # TCanvas.Update() draws the frame, after which one can change it c1.Update() #c1.GetFrame().SetFillColor(0) #c1.GetFrame().SetBorderSize( 12 ) #c1.Modified() #c1.Update() c1.Print('UPC_pt_graphlog.png') c1.Print('UPC_pt_graphlog.pdf')