CASTOR has been discontinue so the data resides at FNAL and also under my public at MIT.
The full dataset can be found at full dataset:
FNAL/LPC cubreto/HeavyIons/Onia/Data2011/dimuonTree_150mub.root
CERN/LxPlus cubreto/HeavyIons/Onia/Data2011/dimuonTree_150mub.root
I started analysing the Heavy Ions data by fitting the three Upsilon peaks using the RooFit package:
> http://cmssw.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cmssw.cgi/UserCode/Cubreto/Hi2011/Limits/Raa3S_Workspace.C?view=markup
Roofit is a dedicated fitting package which interfaces with RooStats allowing proper statistical analysis. The RooFit library provides a toolkit for modeling the expected distribution of events in a physics analysis. In order to use RooFit and RooStats you need the latest root version. From Lxplus:
> source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/gcc/4.3.2/x86_64-slc5/setup.csh
> source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/app/releases/ROOT/5.34.02/x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt/root/bin/thisroot.csh
Running the fitter will fit the three upsilon peaks. Our nominal fitter produces the following results.
Trying the RooKeysPdf option yields.