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QUARTER: Fall 2003

LECTURES: 140 PhysGeo, TR 1:40 to 3:00

INSTRUCTOR: Daniel Cebra, 539 P/G, 752-4592, H 758-1213,

GRADER: Roppon Picha, 533 P/G, 752-4230,

TEXT: Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd edition David J. Griffiths. Reading assignments are listed in the syllabus. This quarter we will cover chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be collected on Thursdays. Students are encouraged to discuss the problems with other students in the class, however the directly copying solutions is not acceptable. Use of solution sets, either published or copied from previous years, is not acceptable.

MIDTERM EXAMS: Thursday 16-Oct, and Thursday 13-Nov. Exams are open note, but closed book. Students should bring a calculator to the exams. All work should be shown explicitly - credit will not be given for the final answer alone.

FINAL EXAM: Saturday 13-Dec-03 08:00-10:00

GRADE DETERMINATION: 30% Homework, 30% Midterms, 40% Final Exam

SOLUTIONS: The solutions to the homeworks and to the exams will be posted on the web and outside the instructor's office.

OFFICE HOURS: Cebra: Wednesday 12:30-2:00, 539 or 542A Phys/Geo.

Last update: 25-Sep-2003.

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