
Famous Last Words: The Capital Punishment of Carl "Creepy" Vladtheimpaler

Just preceding an unnatural sucking sound: "Quantum Chromodynamics is overrated and so is sex. I don't care what the fucking government doesn't say about the fucking aliens -- its all a bunch of trash TV bullshit. And when it comes right down to it, ejection into deep space is just too good for me."

Her Weak Stomach Punctuates His Necessary Truth

Near the bridge at twilight, extra-dry salami and sharp cheddar cheese are spread haphazardly upon a wrinkled quilt. She is now standing, shivering uncontrollably. No longer qualifying as a crisp vintage wine, her acidic vomit now violates the dour hillside. He sucks another drag from the bitter-tart cigar, "I thought you knew I was gay."

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© 1996 Thomas D. Gutierrez

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