Rosicrucians -- The Western
Hemisphere headquarters are based in
San Jose, CA. The Rosicrucians seem to be an odd mix of a research
group, a fraternal order (with their classic Egyptian themes), and a
metaphysics organization. Having grown up in San Jose, we
occasionally went
to their planitarium on school field trips. The high school rock band I
played in, Osiris, also posed for pictures on their beautiful temple
grounds. Find out more about these peaceful metaphysicists by
visiting their official web site.
Church of Satan --
Based in San Francisco and founded by the late Anton LaVey (who played the
role of Satan in Roman Polanski's movie Rosemary's Baby) in the 60's,
the organization seems to have been started mostly to irritate
Christians. The dark themes gain lots of style points. A distinct
brand ([sizzle] ouch) of Humanism with an attitude.
Scientology -- Founded
by writer L. Ron Hubbard, they have gained quite a notorious
reputation in certain circles (esp. net newsgroups). Controversy and
litigation seem to follow them everywhere...Yet they still seem to
thrive, including some big name movie stars as members. Find out more
them at their offical web site.
Catholic Church -- The one and
only. Having mellowed considerably since the days of the Spanish
Inquisition (I heard one Vatican Astronomer, who was a clergy member, say
on TV that it was irresponsible for Christians to believe in an
interacting God because it belittled science! Probably not the hard line
Catholic view...). However, they still weild a considerable
amount of economic and ideological (guilt as a personal god) power in
the world.
Hare Krishna -- We've
all seen the movie Airplane or wandered the UC Berkeley campus,
right?? Well, learn a little more about
these kindly peaceful fanatics by visiting their official web site.
The Unification Church (Moonies)
-- having a cultish reputation (the word *moonie* practically means
*cult* to the same degree *Kleenex* has come to mean *soft facial
tissue*), this group, led by the
Rev. Moon, has their own particular brand of Chrisianity. Learn more
about them at their official web site.
Art Bell -- The famous radio talk show
host of Coast-To-Coast who loves to stir the pot of anything on the
fringe. Lots of Y2K paranoia, UFO stuff, and paranormal rantings.
Popular and scary; the latter because of the former. I'm sure he and his
fans would be happy to know he's squeezed between The Moonies and Heaven's
Gate on this list.
Heaven's Gate
-- the original website was dismantled, but this mirror site was
reconstructed and posted by a clear thinking individual who realized that
seeing such a site may have some value...
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
(Mormons) -- Some of the kindest and most intelligent people I know
are Mormons, but I've just never understood te details of this
viewpoint at all. This site may give some clues...
Jehovah's Witnesses -- They
come knocking at your door now and again, but how many people actually
talk to them? Got to admit, that takes some serious vision to go
pounding on people's doors. My dad always invited them in just to hear
them out (he was a Freethinker), but we never did figure them out.
Their offical web site may offer more clues...
Christian Coalition -- This is the
Christian Right's version of the ancient world's Vatican. Hey, if we're
going to spout reactionary religious rantings, why not do it together and
for political and economic gain?
Hindu -- an interesting
Yahoo-style hub containing links related to the Hindu philosophy and
Sword and Sandals -- read an article about UCD's very own now
unsecret secret society.
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