Curriculum Vitae
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- Ph.D. program, 1994-present, physics, University of California at Davis
- M.S.,1995, physics, University of California at Davis
- M.S.,1994, physics, San Jose State University
- B.S.,1991, physics, San Jose State University
- Minor, 1991, mathematics, San Jose State University
- Minor, 1991, music, San Jose State University
- Theoretical high energy nuclear research with a focus in
ultra-relativisitc heavy-ion physics. Presently working on charm quark
production in hyperon-proton collsions, (1995-present), Nuclear
Physics Group, University of California at Davis and Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory (advisor
Dr. Ramona Vogt).
- Experimental infrared tunable diode laser spectroscopy and computational
(systems modeling and numerical analysis of differential equations),
1989-1994, NASA Ames Research Center (advisors Drs. Joe Becker and Todd
Awards and Honors
- Nominated for Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award,
University of California at Davis (1995)
- Nominated for Outstanding Thesis Award, San Jose State Univerisity (1995)
- Computational Physics Award, Department of Physics, San Jose State
University (1994)
- Outstanding Student Award, Department of Physics, San Jose State
University (1993)
- Chosen to Represent San Jose State University at CSU Student Research
Competition (1993)
- Frederik N. Fitting Award, School of Science, San Jose State
University (1993)
- Poster Award, Annual Convention, Optical Society of Northern California
- Outstanding Student Award, Department of Physics, San Jose State
University (1992)
- Multicultural Awareness Award, School of Science, San Jose State
University (1992)
- Graduate Student Researchers Grant recipient, NASA (1991)
- Research Experience for Undergraduates grant recipient, San Jose State
University, National Science Foundation (1989)
- Charm Production in Hyperon-Proton Collisons, Manuscript in
Progress (1996)
- The Measurement and Modeling of Carbon Isotope Fractionation
During Thermal Degassing of Magnesium Oxide, Master's Thesis (1994)
- Blah, Spectroscopy Today
- Blah, Foo
- Research presentation, CSU Student Research Competition
- Invited Speaker, SJSU
- Invited Speaker, SJSU
- Poster, OSNC
- Poster, foo
- Poster, foo
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant (Discussion Group Leader), (1994-present),Physics for
Engineers and Scientists (Physics 9 series: B,C,&D), University of
California at Davis
- Teaching Assistant (Lab Instructor), (Summer Sessions, 1995 & 1996),
General Physics (Physics 5C), University of California at Davis
Computer Skills
- Mathematica
- Fortran
- IDL (Interactive Data Language)
- LaTeX
- Topdrawer
- WWW (including HTML and CGI)
- Comming soon: Java, Perl, JavaScript, and C++