Physics 9A Section A
Homework For Spring 2002

April 1, 2002

Answers to many odd exercises and problems are in the back of the book. When even numbers are assigned, solutions and answers will be provided at some point during the week. Homework is not collected, but it is important that you do the homework. Quizzes and midterms are largely based on homework and discussion problems.

Currently, the solutions are posted in MS word format. Each problem has its own solution file. I'm working on a better format for posting, but this will have to do for now. Let me know what you think. Also note that the problems will probably appear out of order when you click below. If I am missing a problem, let me know.

I have also included a .zip file for easy download. This is the next best thing to having all the solutions in one file. You will have
to unzip this using WinZip or some other utility on your end. Once you have downloaded all the files, you can create your own master file
by cutting and pasting.

Homework 8 should be done by Friday June 7, 2002:

This is the last homework of the quarter!
Assigned Thursday June 30, 2002; Solutions Posted Thursday, June 6, 2002 around 9:30am
Solutions Chapter 11
Solutions Chapter 12
Solutions Chapter 13
Chapter 11: We are only covering upto and including section 11-4. You should try all odd exercises upto and including 11-19.
Chapter 12: We will only have time to cover upto and including section 12-4. With some discussion on the other sections. You should try all odd exercises upto and including 12-21.
Chapter 13: We will only cover upto 13-7, with some discussion of 13-8 and 9. You should try *every other* odd exercise upto and including 13-41 (e.g. 13-1, 13-5, 13-9, 13-13, 13-17, 13-21, 13-25, 13-29, 13-33, 13-37, and 13-41).
Discussion 9 Solutions (week of June 3rd)

Plese note some corrections made to gyroscope solution!
Discussion 8 Solutions (week of May 27th)

Homework 7 should be done by Thursday May 30, 2002:

Assigned Monay May 21, 2002; Solutions Posted Friday May 24, 2002 around 6:00pm
Solutions Chapter 9
Solutions Chapter 10
Discussion Solutions
Chapter 9: All odd exercises
Chapter 10: All odd exercises
A couple more problems from each chapter may be assigned later in the week.

Homework 6 should be done by Monday May 20, 2002:

Assigned Monay May 13, 2002; Solutions Posted Friday May 17, 2002 around 10:15am
Solutions Chapter 6
Solutions Chapter 7
Solutions Chapter 8
Discussion Solutions

Chapter 6: 6-60, 6-73
Chapter 7: 7-40, 7-63, 7-70
Chapter 8: All odd exercises up to and including 8-43

Homework 5 should be done by Monday May 13, 2002:

Assigned Monay May 6, 2002; Solutions Posted Friday May 10, 2002 around 11:15am
Solutions Chapter 6
Solutions Chapter 7
Discussion Solutions

Chapter 6: all odd exercises (up to and including 6-35)
Chapter 7: all odd exercises
Next week, I will assign some problems from chapter 6 and 7 as well as exercises from chapter 8.

Homework 4 should be done by Wednesday May 1, 2002:

Assigned Monay April 22, 2002; Solutions Posted Thursday April 25, 2002 around 4:30pm
Solutions Chapter 5
Discussion Solutions

Chapter 5 Questions: Q5-9, Q5-10, Q5-11, Q5-16, Q5-21, Q5-24 Chapter 5 Exercises: You should attempt all the odd exercises in Chapter 5 upto and including 5-53.
Chapter 5 Problems: 5-66, 5-69, 5-81, 5-85, 5-99, 5-100, 5-101, 5-102
This may seem like a lot of homework, but this material is very important. Also, you have until next Wednesday rather than Monday. I will be sure and post the solutions by Thursday.

Homework 3 should be done by Monday April 22, 2002:

Assigned Monay April 15, 2002; Solutions Posted Thursday April 18, 2002 around 7:30pm

Please keep in mind that the book is rather sloppy with the "A on B" force
notation we are using. Always try and translate the forces in your
own force diagrams to the "A on B" format. This will help with your
bookkeeping as well as your understanding as you learn this material.

Since the solutions I post are directly from the publisher (and not my own
hand-crafted solutions), you will notice this notational sloppiness in
the solutions themselves. Sorry for the inconvenience. Remember, if you
have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to email me or come to my
office hours.

Solutions Chapter 4
Discussion Solutions

Read and understand Chapter 4. This is very important material.
Chapter 4 Questions: Q4-7, Q4-8, Q4-11, Q4-12, Q4-14, Q4-28, and Q4-31
Chapter 4 Exercises: All odd exercises, 4-20, 4-28, 4-30
Chapter 4 Problems: 4-33, 4-37, 4-38, 4-43

Homework 2 should be done by Monday April 15, 2002:

Assigned Monay April 8, 2002; Solutions Posted Thursday April 11, 2002 around 3pm
Solutions Chapter 3
Discussion Solutions

Chapter 3 Exercises: All odd "exercises", 3-28
Chapter 3 Problems: 3-38, 3-40, 3-41, 3-42, 3-44, 3-46, 3-53, 3-58, 3-59, 3-68

Homework 1 should be done by Monday April 8, 2002:

Assigned Monay April 1, 2002; Solutions Posted Friday April 5, 2002 around 6pm

Solutions Chapter 1
Solutions Chapter 2
Discussion Solutions

Reading: chapters 1 and 2

Chapter 1 questions: Q1-1
Chapter 1 exercises/problems: 1-1,1-3,1-5,1-7,1-9, 1-19,1-22,1-29,1-31,1-33,1-35,1-37,1-39,1-41,1-43,1-45,1-47,1-49,1-63,1-70,1-72

Chapter 2 questions: Q2-1,Q2-10,Q2-12
Chapter 2 exercises/problems: All odd exercises (not "problems")

Become familiar with SI units and scientific notation (you don't have to memorize all conversions but know the prefixes "tera", "giga", "mega", "kilo", "centi", "milli","micro", "nano", "pico","femto")
Get a feel for what a kilogram and what a meter are in terms of units you know
Appendix E and F may be helpful.
If you are not familiar with vectors, pay close attention to the vector exercises assigned from chapter 1.
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