Get X11 for Mac
OS X from apple before doing anything. it's an X-window environment,
essential for running ROOT, and other Unix-based software, in a
graphical mode.
set up terminal:
- edit shell init file (e.g., .cshrc) in your home directory and add
this line
setenv DISPLAY :0.0
- connect to remote server via ssh by:
ssh -X -A some.server.address
to authenticate and forward XWindow.
- If you move around a lot (changing IP addresses), under
X11 preferences, uncheck the "Authenticate connections".
- if connecting via router, make sure to forward port 6000 to the
I find fink to be a very useful tool in getting some unix software to
run on my Macintosh OS. This page is meant to be a reference, or
reminder, of how to use fink to install some applications on mac os x.
There are three functionalities I need:
- write documents in tex - latex
- convert between different graphic formats - imagemagick
- write and run analysis codes - ROOT
here's how to get going:
- Latex: tetex install will take very long, but will enable latex
processing. it also installs revtex4 package, which allows you to format
papers in APS physical review formats. it also installs pdftex, which
can be used with Equation
Service to easily generate scientific equations.
- relating to the root3 install. generally if you try to install something
but fink says package not found, go to fink homepage and look up the
package. it will say under what tree the package is in. then you just have
to add this path to the "Trees" in fink.conf
tex problems
this is a self-reference in case this problem comes up again in the
this morning (17 nov 2003) after i used fink to upgrade all my installed
packages, i had trouble with dvips when doing my usual postscript
latex (.tex --> .dvi) process went fine. but dvips (.dvi --> .ps) gave me
this error:
dvips: ! Couldn't find header file
just do
sudo texhash
should solve the problem.