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set up

Before beginning the analysis, you need the data. In directory runs, we will create a file that points to the data. First locate the data on PDSF and do

ls /auto/path/to/data/.../somedir/ > runs/runs_something.txt

You may have to add a line to the file, and then you should have a file that looks like...


create a directory called fits

mkdir fits


1. edit y0templatexyz.lsf

2. edit yallxyz.scr

3. now you are ready to run, do
source yallxyz.scr
and follow instructions.
commands for batch jobs:
- type bjobs to see run status
- type bkill jobID to end a job

4. once finished, subdirectories and files will be created in fits directory, with the name according what you specify in the previous step. The filename will be xyz.rootsave

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Roppon Picha