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creating histograms

Here's how to obtain dE/dx histograms (50 per run, one for each $m_t-m_0$ slice):
1. edit y0templatehist.lsf

2. now you are ready to run, do
source yallhistn.scr
and follow instructions.

In particular, specify the run method: bsub is for submitting a batch run (good when you run a lot of files, will run in background); source is for running right away (good for a test run with just a few files, you see progress on screen)

commands for batch jobs:
- type bjobs to see run status
- type bkill jobID to end a job
-[warning: once the job is submitted, and status is still PEND, a temporary file HadChgyRapKwd.lsf will be created in the default directory. DO NOT delete this file. The file gets deleted as the job status changes to RUN.]

3. once finished, subdirectories and files will be created in fits directory, with the name according what you specify in the previous step.

As an example, for the case of 0.1 < y < 0.3, with ka mass assumption, and keyword ``test'' - the files will be created in $\ldots$

fits/py.2test/ka if you are running charge = positive (``p'')
fits/ny.2test/ka if you are running charge = negative (``n'')

- your histogram file is called $\rightarrow$ hist.rootsave
- typical CPU time $\approx$ 0.1 sec/event

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Roppon Picha