how to draw Feynman diagrams in latex documents started: oct 2007 updated: oct 2007 ------------------------- this document teaches how to use Thorsten Ohl's Feynmf package to draw Feynman diagrams in tex documents. 1. get feynmf package ( 2. inside tex document add in preamble: \usepackage{feynmp} 3. put something like this where you want the figure: \begin{fmffile}{test1} \begin{center} \begin{fmfgraph*}(160,100) \fmfleftn{i}{2} \fmfrightn{o}{4} \fmflabel{$e^-$}{i1} \fmflabel{$e^+$}{i2} \fmflabel{$\mu_+$}{o1} \fmflabel{$\nu_{\mu}$}{o2} \fmflabel{$s$}{o3} \fmflabel{$\noexpand\bar c$}{o4} \fmf{fermion}{i1,v1,i2} \fmf{boson,label=$\gamma,,Z$}{v1,v2} \fmf{boson}{v3,v2,v4} \fmf{fermion}{o1,v3,o2} \fmf{fermion}{o4,v4,o3} \fmfdot{v1,v3,v4}\fmfblob{.12w}{v2} \end{fmfgraph*} \end{center} \end{fmffile} 4. typeset the tex file: latex test_file 5. this will generate mp files. Let's call it make postscript file (EPS) from it: mpost fig1 repeat for each figure. shell commands to do this are in bash: for a in *.mp; do mpost $a; done in csh: foreach a (*.mp) foreach? mpost $a foreach? end . 6. typeset again: latex test_file 7. convert DVI file to PDF if needed: dvipdf test_file done! ----------- good tutorial site: