Comparing Dedx in P00hm flow and P01he flow ... and Manuel's

Top = P01he data (new)
cut (((((mZDCe+mZDCw)<66&&mCTB>11000)&&((asinh(mPt*sinh(mEta)/sqrt(0.13956995**2+mPt **2))>-0.1)&&(asinh(mPt*sinh(mEta)/sqrt(0.13956995**2+mPt**2))< 0.1)))&&(mCharge<0))&&(mDca<3))&&(mNhits>25)

Middle = P00hm data (old)
cut (((((mZDCe+mZDCw)<66&&mCTB>11000)&&((asinh(mPt*sinh(mEta)/sqrt(0.13956995**2+mPt **2))>-0.1)&&(asinh(mPt*sinh(mEta)/sqrt(0.13956995**2+mPt**2))< 0.1)))&&(mCharge<0))&&(mDca<3))&&(mFitPts>25)
Bottom = Manuel
cut ((((mHeader.mZdc<66&&mHeader.mCtbEvt>11000)&&(mPionY>-.1&&mPionY<.1))&&( mCharge<0))&&(mDca<3))&&(mPoints>25)
P00hm has built-in vertex cut: abs(VertexZ)<80 P01he does not have built-in vertex cut, so abs(VertexZ) extends beyond 80cm For the fits, the centroids were allowed to change around the prescribed value by 5%. For the case of P00hm, the prescribed values come from BB/Aihong. For the case of PO1he, we scaled the POOhm centroids by 1.72.

y = 0, slice 6

The x-axis is 2.8*log(mDedx*1e6.)+1.5

y = 0, slice 10

The x-axis is 2.8*log(mDedx*1e6.)+1.5

y = 0, slice 15

The x-axis is 2.8*log(mDedx*1e6.)+1.5


Next table shows actual numbers. The resolution is obtained as 100*width/2.8.
Slice Centroid  width 	% Resolution Centroid width % Resolution Ratio_Centroids
       PO1he    PO1he     PO1he       PO0hm   PO0hm   PO0hm       POOhm/PO1he
6.0000	4.3070	0.28890	 10.318	     2.6310  0.33630  12.011	 0.6108		
10.000	3.9750	0.27500	 9.8214	     2.2970  0.32370  11.561	 0.57786
15.000	3.8870	0.27530	 9.8321	     2.2190  0.32340  11.550	 0.57088