July 2, 2002

Efficiency at 20 GeV -- PiMinus, KMinus and Pbar

See eff.html for details on procedure followed.
The present efficiencies were obtained from the series 901-905, for a total of 3149 events, after centrality (10% most central) and vertex (vtxZ<30) cuts. Total number of events in MC before cuts = 96517.
In the Mc, it was used a hijing distribution in Pt, not a flat distribution in Pt. Hence the stats for high Pt in Pions is poor. See the distribution in eff.html . Also, binomial errors were used for the efficiencies.

Note: in the figures, the fits were done to the function
m1*exp(-1*(m2/Pt)^m3) (i.e., M0 stands for Pt)

1) efficiency PiMinus, fit to all points
efficiency PiMinus, fit excluding low Pt

2) efficiency KMinus, fit to all points
efficiency KMinus, fit excluding low Pt

3) efficiency Pbar, fit to all points
efficiency Pbar, fit excluding low Pt

cuts Mc:
centCut= mNUncorrectedPrimaries>=237 (10% most central)
vtxCut= abs(mVertexZ)<30&&((mVertexX+0.246)^2+(mVertexY-0.378)^2)<1
eventCut = centCut+vtxCut


pCut= eventCut + yCut

cuts Matched tracks:
centCut= mNUncorrectedPrimaries>=237 (10% most central)
vtxCut= abs(mVertexZ)<30&&((mVertexX+0.246)^2+(mVertexY-0.378)^2)<1
eventCut = centCut+vtxCut


hitsCut= mMatchedPairs.mFitPtst>=25&&mMatchedPairs.mNCommonHit>=10
dcaCut= mMatchedPairs.mDcaGl<=3

pCut= eventCut + yCut + hitsCut + dcaCut