June 28, 2002

First try at efficiency at 20 GeV -- PiMinus

First we ran submit.pl on the 3 directories Eric created ...
/auto/pdsfdv10/starprod/embedding/P02gd/Piminus_901_20GeV (and 902, 903)

The .root output files are in dir ...
(Manuel's macro doesn't consider the option of RevHalfField, and it defaults to FullField. We'll change the directory name later.)

From those files we obtained the efficiency following Olga's suggestions.The error in the efficiency was propagated from the stats of both histograms. We understand that this is not quite the correct procedure, since the histograms are not independent. Olga uses err(eff)=sqrt(p(1-p)/N) ("binomial errors"), where N=number of particles from MC input in each bin, p=reconstruction "efficiency" for the corresponding bin. We'll correct the errors later.

Here are the first results
a) histograms
Large circles: mMcTracks.mPtMc (0-2 GeV/c, 40 bins)... cuts A
Small circles: mMatchedPairs.mPtMc (0-2 GeV/c, 40 bins) ... cuts B

b) efficiency
ratio... mMatchedPairs.mPtMc/mMcTracks.mPtMc

cuts A:
centCut= mNUncorrectedPrimaries>=237 (10% most central)
vtxCut= abs(mVertexZ)<30&&((mVertexX+0.246)^2+(mVertexY-0.378)^2)<1
eventCut = centCut+vtxCut


pCut= eventCut + yCut

Nevents= 1882 (NeventsTotal before event cuts = 57749 )
NMcTracks= 5771

cuts B:
centCut= mNUncorrectedPrimaries>=237 (10% most central)
vtxCut= abs(mVertexZ)<30&&((mVertexX+0.246)^2+(mVertexY-0.378)^2)<1
eventCut = centCut+vtxCut


hitsCut= mMatchedPairs.mFitPtst>=25&&mMatchedPairs.mNCommonHit>=10
dcaCut= mMatchedPairs.mDcaGl<=3

pCut= eventCut + yCut + hitsCut + dcaCut
Nevents= 1882 (NeventsTotal before event cuts = 57749 )
NMcTracks= 3673