June 11, 2002, updated June 25

2nd method (Dan) to get centrality at 20 GeV

a) all_raw.gif
b) all_norm.gif
c) au130+au200.gif
d) au20+au200.gif

The abcisa factors in the figures for au130 and au200 are shown.
One observes good consistency in the scaling from au200 and au130.
The results shown in the above figures seem consistent with the method used earlier at 20 GeV suggested by Zhangbu. Updated results of this method, including 20, 130 and 200 GeV are presented here

This Fig. shows the good agreement observed at 20, 130 and 200 GeV. The points at 0% cross section were obtained using Zhangbu's method. All the points above 0% for 130 and 200 GeV were determined previously at STAR. The points above 0% cross section for 20 GeV were obtained using the 2nd method discussed here.

Here are details of what was done on the 2nd method suggested by Dan Cebra:
0) Files :
au20: /auto/stardata/starspec3/flow_pDST_production/reco/minBias22GeVZDC/ReversedHalfField/P02ge/2001/
au130: /auto/stardata/starspec/schweda/pDST/P01hi/minbias/global/
au200: /auto/stardata/starspec2/flow_pDST_production/reco/MinBiasVertex/ReversedFullField/P01gk/2001/

1) It was verified independently that mUncorrNegMult and mUncorrPosMult indeed correspond do the number of tracks as defined in Masashi's code that produces pDst. See Masashi's e-mail to Roppon:
mUncorrNegMult and mUncorrPosMult are copied from StEventUtilities function uncorrectedNumberOfNegativePrimaries(const StEvent&) and uncorrectedNumberOfPositivePrimaries(cont StEvent&). It is number of tracks that are: number of Fit points >=10 |eta|<=0.5 DCA < 3.0 cm For detail, please look at $STAR/StRoot/StEventUtilities/StuRefMult.hh. mMultEta seems to be defined as number of tracks of which |eta|<0.75. It is counted by a variable goodTracksEta in StFlowMaker.cxx in SL02e. I used SL02e to produced 20GeV Au+Au flow pico DSTs, because it is P02ge production.
Best regards,
Masashi Kaneta

2) Histograms were made for Nch= mUncorrNegMult+mUncorrPosMult, as defined in the code. x-bin= 800. Printed out the x and y values.
3) In a spread sheet program (Kaleid) the x-axis for au130 was multiplied by a factor x130 such that the spectra along the x-axis matches (by eye) the one for au20. Also the y-axis of the au130 spectra was scaled to match (by eye) the spectra at au20.

Similarly, the x-axis for au200 was multiplied by a factor x200 such that the spectra along the x-axis matches (by eye) the one for au20. Also the y-axis of the au200 spectra was scaled to match (by eye) the spectra at au20.

The present factors x130 and x200 extracted are listed in the figures and here:
au130: x130=0.652
au200: x200=0.562

4) Finally, the centrality values for au20 derived from those determined for au130, as quoted by Manuel, are listed next. The last column was obtained by multiplying the au130 values by x130 = 0.652, as determined above.

cent au130 au20
05% 431.00 281
10% 364.00 237
20% 260.00 170
30% 179.00 117
40% 118.00 76
50% 74.000 48
60% 43.000 28
70% 22.000 14
80% 10.000 7