Figures 1-7

Figure 1. Resolution power of the Hubble image and comparative angular dimensions. All box images have the same angular amplification. The top bars indicate 1 arcsec in each box. The objects without strong glare (no shine or glow) have an observed angular diameter.

Figure 2. Isolate dark giants. Line 1 are aligned giant objects, binary systems and partial eclipses between red giants (boxes 1-55 and 5-28) The most interesting boxes, 2-8 and 4-48, reveal partial eclipses where one dark giant is seen transiting over an attenuated supergiant cocoon and the other, a bright star. The angular sizes of dark giants are ~0.2 to ~0.1 arcsec (lines 2 to 7). They present different morphologies in line 7.

Figure 3. Dusty globules in Carina region. Typical globules of lines 1 and 2 are in original and contrasted images. The contrasted image highlights internal dark giants. Globules of line 2 show the incident ionizing radiation that smoothly displaces the gas and dust in the arrow direction also revealing an internal dark giant complex. Isolate conglomerates of dark giants associated with the Carina nebula in lines 3 and 4. Each individual conglomerate contains a large number of dark giants that are embedded in the largest, darkest and extended dusty globules. Line 4 shows denser conglomerates. Larger conglomerates (line 5) are also close the nebula.

Figure 4. Conglomerates of dark giants. Zone A of Figure 7. This Zone shows dark giants that are fully free of the dense part of the Carina nebula.

Figure 5. Association of conglomerates. Zone B is an extensive area of dark giants associated with the Carina nebula.

Figure 6. A Union of Conglomerates of dark giants. The Union U1 is a large zone of conglomerates associated with the darkest sector of Carina nebula. The embedded dark giants are noticeable when a high contrast is applied.

Figure 7. The Carina Nebula. A color photographs mosaic of Carina nebula taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1999. The Hubble Image (rectangle) presented here is divided into 8 sectors. The small frameworks A and B are zones amplified in Figures 4 and 5 respectively. The attenuated stellar objects are invisible at the scale of this image.