Event Vertex Distribution in Z (left) with a cut of ± 30 cm along the Beamline and in the XY-Plane (right) with a radial cut of r < 1 cm around the rms values of Vx and Vy
1) Event Cuts
2) Refmult w/ borders
3) PID Plot
4) Data vs. Embed pt vs. eta / nfits / dca
5) Efficiencies pi k p
6) Spectra pi k p with centrality
7) dN/dy vs nPart with Cu 62/200
8) 9) Particle Ratios Table / Ratio vs. dN/deta
10) Comparison with 17.3 pp, PbPb, 19.6 AuAu and SulfurSulfur at SPS
11) Radial Flow Siemens rasmussen / Blast wave
12) Chemical Freezeout w/ system and impact parameter
gamma_s, dNch/deta
13) HBT
CuCu 22.4 GeV Spectra Analysis