17-Jul-2009 12:23:31 EDT Initiating request to open file dcap:///pnfs/cmsaf.mit.edu/t2bat/cms/store/mc/Summer09/Hydjet_B0_4TeV/GEN-SIM-RAW/MC_31X_V2-GaussianVtx_311_ver1/0000/000D446C-3672-DE11-8001-00E08123783F.root 17-Jul-2009 12:23:37 EDT Successfully opened file dcap:///pnfs/cmsaf.mit.edu/t2bat/cms/store/mc/Summer09/Hydjet_B0_4TeV/GEN-SIM-RAW/MC_31X_V2-GaussianVtx_311_ver1/0000/000D446C-3672-DE11-8001-00E08123783F.root Begin processing the 1st record. Run 1, Event 1201, LumiSection 601 at 17-Jul-2009 12:27:55 EDT 17-Jul-2009 12:28:20 EDT Closed file dcap:///pnfs/cmsaf.mit.edu/t2bat/cms/store/mc/Summer09/Hydjet_B0_4TeV/GEN-SIM-RAW/MC_31X_V2-GaussianVtx_311_ver1/0000/000D446C-3672-DE11-8001-00E08123783F.root %MSG-s CMSException: PostModule 17-Jul-2009 12:28:20 EDT Run: 1 Event: 1201 cms::Exception caught in cmsRun ---- EventProcessorFailure BEGIN EventProcessingStopped ---- ScheduleExecutionFailure BEGIN ProcessingStopped ---- BadAlloc BEGIN A std::bad_alloc exception occurred during a call to the module MixingModule/mix run: 1 event: 1201 The job has probably exhausted the virtual memory available to the process. ---- BadAlloc END Exception going through path pMixRecoHITrAssoAna ---- ScheduleExecutionFailure END an exception occurred during current event processing cms::Exception caught in EventProcessor and rethrown ---- EventProcessorFailure END %MSG Writing file..... The number of tracks is: 0 Total number of muons via SimTracker is : 0 Total number of muons via HepMC is : 0 Accepted number of Muon in abs(eta)<2.4 is via Hep: 0 *******the magin number is 0 and the maginN13 is : 0 ============================================= MessageLogger Summary type category sev module subroutine count total ---- -------------------- -- ---------------- ---------------- ----- ----- 1 CMSException -s PostModule 1 1 2 fileAction -s PoolSource:sourc 2 2 3 fileAction -s PostModule 1 1 type category Examples: run/evt run/evt run/evt ---- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- 1 CMSException 1/1201 2 fileAction pre-events pre-events 3 fileAction 1/1201 Severity # Occurrences Total Occurrences -------- ------------- ----------------- System 4 4