process PROD = { # The number of events to be processed. untracked PSet maxEvents = {untracked int32 input = 100} service = RandomNumberGeneratorService { # This is to initialize the random engine of the source untracked uint32 sourceSeed = 123456789 # This is to initialize the random engines of Famos PSet moduleSeeds = { untracked uint32 VtxSmeared = 123456789 untracked uint32 famosPileUp = 918273 untracked uint32 famosSimHits = 13579 untracked uint32 siTrackerGaussianSmearingRecHits = 24680 untracked uint32 caloRecHits = 654321 untracked uint32 paramMuons = 54525 } } // If you want to use the (CMS default) CLHEP random, // set these ones to false replace famosPileUp.UseTRandomEngine = true replace famosSimHits.UseTRandomEngine = true replace siTrackerGaussianSmearingRecHits.UseTRandomEngine = true replace caloRecHits.UseTRandomEngine = true replace paramMuons.UseTRandomEngine = true # Generate H -> ZZ -> l+l- l'+l'- (l,l'=e or mu), with mH=180GeV/c2 #include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/HZZllll.cfi" # Generate ttbar events # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/ttbar.cfi" # Generate multijet events with different ptHAT bins # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/QCDpt80-120.cfi" # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/QCDpt600-800.cfi" # Generate Minimum Bias Events include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/MinBiasEvents.cfi" # Generate muons with a flat pT particle gun, and with pT=10. # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/FlatPtMuonGun.cfi" # replace FlatRandomPtGunSource.PGunParameters.PartID={130} # Generate di-electrons with pT=35 GeV # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/DiElectrons.cfi" # Famos sequences include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/FamosSequences.cff" // If you want to turn on/off pile-up replace famosPileUp.PileUpSimulator.averageNumber = 5.0 // Parametrized magnetic field replace VolumeBasedMagneticFieldESProducer.useParametrizedTrackerField = true // You may not want to simulate everything for your study replace famosSimHits.SimulateCalorimetry = true replace famosSimHits.SimulateTracking = true # replace famosSimHits.SimulateMuons = false # Tracker MisAlignement # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/MisAlignment.cff" # ECAL miscalibration. # include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/MisCalibration.cff" service = Timing { } path p1 = { famosWithTracksAndEcalClusters } # To write out events (not need: FastSimulation _is_ fast!) module o1 = PoolOutputModule { untracked string fileName = "Example_MinBias.root" untracked vstring outputCommands = { "keep *", "drop *_mix_*_*" } } endpath outpath = { o1 } # Keep the logging output to a nice level # include "FWCore/MessageService/data/MessageLogger.cfi" replace MessageLogger.destinations = {"detailedInfo.txt"} }