.. _getting_started: *************** Download Thesis *************** Download Thesis from SVN ============================= You may already have sphinx `svn `_ installed -- you can check by doing:: # first checkout: svn co -N svn+ssh://svn.cern.ch/reps/tdr2 Thesis cd Thesis svn update utils svn update -N notes svn update notes/cubreto cd notes/cubreto/trunk ./make The make should be:: > eval `../../tdr runtime -csh` # With line numbers tdr --draft --style=an b cubreto # Without line numbers #tdr --nodraft --style=an b cubreto Once you have the Thesis in your local directory you need:: > cd notes/cubreto svn update # start from latest version in the repository #make my edits to files svn status #check/resolve status/conflicts svn commit -m 'one line summary of what I've done' Other commands needed for SVN updates are:: svn help svn status svn diff svn add file1 file2 ... #when adding file (including plots) for the first time svn update #always do this before starting to modify text and check to avoid edit conflicts before committing svn commit -m 'my comment' #enter short comment on changes To compile my thesis each time you need :: tdr --style paper --aps="prl,linenumbers,reprint" b HIN-11-011 eval `../../tdr runtime -sh` ​ If you'd like to make a comment you can just write FIX ME anywhere in my thesis. .. image:: _static/Thesis_cover.png Fitting ========================== Inserting automatically-generated plots is easy. Simply put the script to generate the plot in the :file:`pyplots` directory, and refer to it using the ``plot`` directive. First make a :file:`pyplots` directory at the top level of your project (next to :``conf.py``) and copy the :file:`ellipses.py`` file into it:: home:~/tmp/sampledoc> mkdir pyplots home:~/tmp/sampledoc> cp ../sampledoc_tut/pyplots/ellipses.py pyplots/ You can refer to this file in your sphinx documentation; by default it will just inline the plot with links to the source and PF and high resolution PNGS. To also include the source code for the plot in the document, pass the ``include-source`` parameter:: .. plot:: pyplots/ellipses.py :include-source: In the HTML version of the document, the plot includes links to the original source code, a high-resolution PNG and a PDF. In the PDF version of the document, the plot is included as a scalable PDF. :ref:`custom_look`.