Make sure the systematic are correctly
The main goal is to get vs
2.76 TeV PbPb data 150/mub 2011 PbPb data is stored on 2011HiFullTree.root 7 TeV pp data is stored on 40pb_Nov4ReReco.root run A and run B(part 1), 8.27/pb in total Missing sqrt(s) energy-dependent corrections (theory?) -> Ramona’s calculation or Interpolation to 2.76 TeV from previous experiments.
The main idea is to use information from other experiments: ISR, CDF and CMS at 7.00 TeV.
goal of the project:
exploit the high statistics 7 (and 8) TeV datasets as reference for
HI studies (eg ), to complement the limited-statistics 2.76 TeV
pp dataset
perform interpolations of cross-section values versus sqrt(s),
using heuristic parameterizations
the parameterization used is
with A and T free parameters in the fit.
alternative/complementary ideas: use pythia MC generated at different energies? use simplified models such as CEM (by Ramona et al)
Fitting the three datasets at the three different energies yields
Fit Heavy ions data
(The original entry is located in /Users/cubreto/Sphinx/meetings.rst, line 30.)
>>> import math
>>> print math.sqrt(2.)