The method of adding the contributions from each of the fock states to the pQCD leading order charmed hadron momentum distribution is as follows:

1) Determine the probability of each fock state with intrinsic pairs as denoted by the subscript starting with P5ic = 0.31%, Picc = 4.4% Pic and Piccc = 4.4% Picc etc. For other states Picq1...qk = (mt2c/mt2q1)*...*(mt2c/mt2qk)* Pi(k*c). I give a table of probabilites below.


u or d s c
2.2E-3 8.8E-4 1.4E-4

u or d s c
u or d 1.5E-3 6.2E-4 9.6E-5
s " 2.5E-4 3.9E-5
c " " 6.0E-5
2) Count the number of charm=1 hadrons that can be diffractively produced from a certain fock state. Assume that each of these occur with eaqual probability and use this to find the fraction of the dP/dx distribution of the desired hadron that contributes in this fock state. For example if one could find 3 charm=1 hadrons G, H and J that could be diffractively produced from the given state and wanted to find the contribution to the J distribution then they would just multiply the dP/dx distribuion of J by 1/3. If G and H where the same particle a factor of 2/3 would be the appropriate for the G distribution.

3) If the appropriate fraction is 0 there is clearly no contribution by this Fock state. If not we must add the coalescence probability to the fusion probability, but we must not exceed the total production probability of the fock state. Thus we multiply both the fusion and coalescence probabilities by 0.5. Also, there are 10 charmed hadrons, so, assuming each is eaquiprobable, the pQCD contribution to the particular hadron yield is 1/10 the charmed hadron production probability.

Thus assuming the appropriate factor is not zero
dsh/dxF = 0.5{0.1dshF/dxF + sumi [sinclusive [u2/(4mt2c)] (aih/bi)Pi* {dPi/dxF}normalized)]}

where s represents sigma (cross section), sinclusive is the appropriate hadron nucleon inclusive cross section, PF reffers to a pQCD calculated fusion probability, xF the Feynman x of the hadron, i reffers to a fock states where h can be diffractively produced and aih refferes to how many of the bi hadrons that can be diffractively produced from fock state i are identical to h. {dPi/dxF}normalized) is the normalized momentum distribution of the h hadron inside the projectile.