Rock Climbing Rocks!
(note: none of these pictures are of me or anyone I know, I'm working on that,
anyone got a scanner?)
One of my physics professors at Cosumnes River College started a
mountaineering class in the PE department in an attempt to show the modern
youth the joys of doing something besides watching tv. I always liked climbing
trees, and had bouldered a few times without knowing that some considered
it a sport, and i was pretty good. So I signed up for the class (in other
words I needed a PE class to graduate). I have been hooked ever since.

Climbing is a physical, and mental chellenge. Having the muscle to pull through the moves is less important than learning to postition your body through difficult moves and to conserve strenght.

These qualities of a good climber transer to a grace and elegance that makes clibing beautifull to watch to the trained eye (even if the climber is not so beautifull off the rock, sorry).

Combine the joy of climbing with what I consider the most beautifull scenery in the world, the great hikes required to get to the climbs, the fresh air and good company or solitude and you have a wonderful pastime.

During the week I climb 3-4 times at Pipeworks, an awsome gym in Sacramento.
I also climb in the UCD rec hall sometimes. When I get a chance to get away
from the plastic climbs of the gyms to some real rock I often go to Yosemite,
which has an endless supply of climbs and a campground full of experienced
and friendly climbers (camp 4).

There are climbs in Yosemite that thake an experienced climber 5 or more days to climb! I am not quite ready for these, but am looking forward to them.

When I go, I typically do one very long climb that takes me nearly all day. I
have stuck mostly to the upper Yosemite falls area, but this season I will
be all over the place I'm sure.

I feel very lucky to live close enough to the most awsome climbing location in the world that I can just take a weekend trip there to climb for one day.

If you ask me how good I am I will only say that I am happy with my effort. I believe that clibing is not about conquering what others have labeled a hard climbs, it is an opportunity to show yourself what you are made of. It has been shown that the ability to point out you succeses to yourself is key to dealing with stress. This is what I use climbing for, and it works great.

Many people believe that rock climbers are crazy, who would risk their life just for some silly climb? While it is difficult to believe, the statistics say that rock climbing is less dangerous than driving to the corner store!

Admitedly, climbing is not for the faint of heart, the average lead climb fall is 10ft, and thirty foot falls are not uncommon (the rope catches you)

However, this is not what the beginner experiences. As you build the strength and skill to do harder climbs your confidence in the gear grows so that you always feel comfortable. I, for example, was affraid of heights before I started climbing. Now hanging from a few strips of nylon hundreds of feet up on a cliff is quite comfortable, but I still get freaked out looking over the edge of a 5 story building!
If you are interested in climbing I would be happy to take you on a trip, or just to the gym!