Practices will be Monday and Thursday from 5:00 to 6:30
(We will shifts to 3:45-5:00 on Oct-30 due to the time shift.)
Please make sure that you child has cold water (or gatorade).
Practice Location is Nugget Fields
Week 1 (31-Aug): Getting to know you
Week 2 (04-Sep): (no Mon practice) Configurations and team
Week 3 (11-Sep): Passing, positioning, and Communication
Week 4 (18-Sep): Defense skills and Turns
Week 5 (25-Sep): Combination passing and Goal Keeping
Week 6 (02-Oct): Throw-ins, heading and Ball control
Week 7 (09-Oct): Set Plays: Kick-off, corner-kick, Goal-Kick,
Week 8 (16-Oct): Crossing Pass, drop pass
Week 9 (23-Oct): Shooting and Penalty Kicks
Shift to PST - practices to 3:30-5:00
Week 10 (30-Oct): Team play - prep for regional Tournament
Week 11 (06-Nov): Team play - prep for regional Tournament