C This function calculates the cross-section as a function of c angle for a given W and Y, for the production of two muons. c (or tauons) C expression is taken from Brodsky et al. PRD 1971, 1532 c equation 5.7 C factor that are not dependant on theta are scrapped, so the c the absolute crosssections given by this function are inaccurate c here we are working in the CM frame of the photons and the last c term is 0 real function thetalep (W,theta) implicit NONE include 'global.inc' real W,theta,W1sq real moverw W1sq = (W / 2.)**2 moverw = mass**2 / W1sq thetalep = 2. + 4.*(1-moverw)* & ((1.-moverw)*sin(theta)**2*cos(theta)**2. + moverw) / & (1. - (1. - moverw)*cos(theta)**2)**2 return end