C this subroutine calculates the tables that are used c elsewhere in the montecarlo c the tauon decay is taken from V-A theory, 1 - 1/3 cos(theta) c the energy of each of the two leptons in tau decay c is calculated using formula 10.35 given c in introduction to elementary particles by D. griffiths c which assmes that the mass of the electron is 0. c the highest energy attainable by the electron in such a system is c .5 * mass of the tau subroutine tablecalc implicit NONE include 'const.inc' include 'tables.inc' integer i real E,theta tautolangle(0) = 0. dgammade(0) = 0. do 100 i= 1,100 c calculate energy of tau decay E = float(i)/100. * .5 * mtau dgammade(i) = dgammade(i-1) + E**2. * (1. - 4.*E/(3.*mtau)) c calculate angles for tau theta = pi * float(i) / 100. tautolangle(i) = tautolangle(i-1) + (1 + .3333333 * cos(theta)) 100 continue return end