Program starlight c Version 2.0 c Evan Scannapieco, Joakim Nystrand and Janet Seger c April 28, 2000 c This program is a monte carlo for two photon and c photon-Pomeron interactions in peripheral heavy ion collisions. c ___________ c How to use: c 1) copy contents of src directory to your own src directory c 2) copy jet.dat and from the bin directory into c your own bin directory c 3) edit the Makefile to use the appropriate lines depending on c whether you are compiling on Linux or Solaris; then type "make" to c compile-- the executable "starlight" will be placed in the bin c directory (see starlight.doc in the doc directory for an c explanation of which lines in the Makefile to edit) c 4) edit to reflect your preferred choice of input c parameters-- see starlight.doc in the doc directory for an c explanation of input parameters c 5) type "starlight" to run; if you selected either text output c format, the output will be written to the file starlight.out in c the bin directory; if you selected ntuple output, the output will c be written to the file evgen.1.nt.gz, and will need to be unzipped c (type "gunzip evgen.1.nt.gz") c c ___________ c Subroutines called: c luupda-- reads jetset branching ratios from jet.dat c input-- reads input parameters from c setConst-- sets constants like pi, mass, width, etc. c newparam-- determines whether or not differential c luminosity tables need to be re-calculated c diffLum_2gamma OR diffLum_vm-- calculates differntial c luminosity tables, if necessary, and writes to c starlight.dat file; separate routines for 2-photon c and vector meson channels c readDiffLum-- read in luminosity tables from starlight.dat c sigmacalc-- calculates cross section c calls: sigmadelta OR sigma2 OR sigmavm OR sigmavmw, c depending on the type of channel; sigmadelta is called c for one-particle 2-photon channels, sigma2 is called c for 2-particle 2-photon channels, sigmavm is called for c vector meson channels using narrow resonance, and c sigmavmw is called for vector meson channels using c Breit-Wigner resonance c tablecalc-- calculates tables used in tau decay c pickw and picky OR pickwy_vm-- picks values for invariant c mass and rapidity of the particle, based on c differential luminosity tables; there are c currently two separate routines for the 2-photon c channels, and one for the vector meson channels c momenta OR vmomenta-- given the w and y chosen, calculates c the momentum components and energy of the c particle; there are currently separate routines c for the 2-photon channels and the vector meson c channels c decayEvent-- decays the particle, then writes results in c one of three formats-- text, GSTAR text, or ntuple c calls: thephi and lu1ent if channel is to be decayed c using jetset; twodecay if channel decays into a c particle/antiparticle pair; taudecay for the unique case c of tau pairs; some write-out routine-- if the channel is c decayed through jetset, will call writejetsetText Or c writejetsetGSTARtext OR writejetsetNtuple-- otherwise, c will call writeText OR writeGSTARtext or writeNtuple c ___________ c c All units are in fm, sec, and GeV c ************************************************************ implicit NONE include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' include '' integer tcheck,i real w,y,E,px,py,pz logical new c ************************************************************ c Give user some indication that the program is working print *,' ', & '************** STARlight ***************' print *,' ', & '*******The two-photon /photon-Pomeron Monte Carlo*******' print *,' ', & 'Simulates electromagnetic interactions at RHIC' print *,' and uses:' c ************************************************************ c read input parameters call input c ************************************************************ c do we need to set up jetset? if (ip .eq. 441) then c setup jetset such that it does not decay particles with c lifetimes longer than 1 mm/c mstj(22) = 2 parj(71) = 1. c read in modified branching ratios for jetset open (unit=30,file='jet.dat',status='unknown') call luupda(2,30) close(unit=30) endif c ************************************************************ c define constants call setConst c ************************************************************ c Check to see if the luminosity function needs to be c re-calculated, and write it out if necessary. Read the values c in any case. call newparam(new) C write values to a file if necessary if (new) then C Open and close the file here, and write out input parameters open(unit=20,file='starlight.dat',status='unknown') write (20,*) Z write (20,*) A write (20,*) gamma_em write (20,*) Wmax write (20,*) Wmin write (20,*) numw write (20,*) Ymax write (20,*) numy write (20,*) gg_or_gP write (20,*) ibreakup write (20,*) iinterfere write (20,*) xinterfere write (20,*) ptmax write (20,*) NPT c gg_or_gP is specified in a 1 represents 2-photon c channels, a 2 represents vector meson channels with narrow c resonance, and a 3 represents vector meson channels with a wide c (Breit-Wigner) resonance if (gg_or_gP.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Calling diffLum_2gamma...' call diffLum_2gamma elseif ((gg_or_gP.eq.2).or.(gg_or_gP.eq.3)) then write(*,*) 'Calling diffLum_vm...' call diffLum_vm C IF there is interference, pt is handled with a lookup table C which must be generated by pttablegen if (iinterfere .eq. 1) then call pttablegen write(6,21)xinterfere,ptmax,NPT 21 format(' Interference fraction= ',F7.4, *' ptmax = ',F7.4,'NPT= ',I4) endif else write(*,*) 'ERROR: Invalid entry for gg_or_gP' endif close(unit=20) endif c read in the table of differential luminosity values call readDiffLum c ************************************************************ c calculate the tables of cross section times F for c the various decays and calculates cross section call sigmacalc c ************************************************************ c calculate some of the tables that will be used to decay the c particles call tablecalc c ************************************************************ C open output file for text output, if desired if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.2)) then open (unit=25,file='starlight.out',status='unknown') endif if (iout.eq.2) then c write header line to output file WRITE(25,4999) 'GENER:','STL','1.0',Z,A,Z,A,200.0,999.999,'CMS' endif c ************************************************************ c loop through events write(*,*) 'Starting event loop...' i = 1 50 if( go to 100 c choose a w and a y based on the cross-section tables; c w is the center-of-mass energy of the 2-photon or photon-Pomeron c system; y is the rapidity if(gg_or_gp.eq.1) then call pickw(w) call picky(y) else call pickwy_vm(w,y) endif C use these to calculate momentum components and energy if(gg_or_gP.eq.1) call momenta(w,y,E,px,py,pz) if((gg_or_gP.eq.2).or.(gg_or_gP.eq.3)) then tcheck = 0 C do we call vmomenta (no interference) or vmpt (interference) if (iinterfere .eq. 0) call vmomenta(w,y,E,px,py,pz,tcheck) if (iinterfere .eq. 1) call vmpt(w,y,E,px,py,pz,tcheck) if(tcheck.eq.1) go to 50 endif c decay this channel and write out the decay products in the chosen c format call decayEvent(i,w,E,px,py,pz) go to 50 100 continue write(*,*),'Number of events processed:',i-1 c ************************************************************ c close the output file if (iout.eq.2) write(25,5000) -999,0,0 if ((iout.eq.1).or.(iout.eq.2)) close(unit=25) if (iout.eq.3) call hepend('z') c ************************************************************ 4999 format (A6,1x,A3,1x,A4,1x,4(I12),1x,F7.2,1x,F11.3,5x,A3) 5000 format ('EVENT:',3x,3(1x,i6)) stop end