c This function calculates cross section for two-particle decay. c For reference, see STAR Note 243, Eq. 9. subroutine sigma2 implicit NONE include 'inputp.inc' include 'Ftable.inc' include 'sig.inc' include 'const.inc' integer i,j real sum,sigmui CVM: multipy all farray() by f_max c calculate the two-lepton differential cross section c the 100 is to convert to barns c the two is to account for the fact that we integrate only c over one half of the rapidity range do 200 i = 1,numw do 100 j = 1, numy sigma (i,j) = 2. * sigmui(warray(i))* f_max & *farray(i,j) / 100. c write(*,*) 'i,j,sigma',i,j,sigma(i,j) c write(*,*) 'w,f',warray(i),farray(i,j) 100 continue 200 continue c calculate the total two-lepton cross section sum = 0. do 400 i = 1,numw-1 do 300 j = 1, numy-1 sum = sum + 2.* ( ( sigma(i,j)+sigma(i+1,j)+ & sigma(i,j+1)+sigma(i+1,j+1) )/4. * & (yarray(j+1)-yarray(j)) * & (warray(i+1)-warray(i)) / & ((warray(i+1)+warray(i))/2.) ) 300 continue 400 continue if (ip.eq.11) & print *,'The total electron crossection is:',sum,' barns' if (ip.eq.13) & print *,'The total muon crossection is:',sum,' barns' if (ip.eq.15) & print *,'The total tau crossection is:',sum,' barns' return end