c This subroutine reads in a table of F values c parameterized by rapidity and mass c comment added for newer modify date C when VM interference is present, it also reads a pt table subroutine readDiffLum CVM: this is now in Ftable.inc REAL f_max include 'Ftable.inc' include 'inputp.inc' include 'pttable.inc' DOUBLE PRECISION fpart DOUBLE PRECISION finterm(1000,1000) c numw is the number of w values c numy is the number of y values c warray is array of w values c y is the array of y values c f is the twoD array of f values f_max=0.0 open (unit=20,file='starlight.dat',status='unknown') c Skip first 14 entries, C Z, A,Gamma,Wmax,wmin, C numw,Ymax,numw,gg_or_gP,ibreakup C iinterfere,xinterfere,ptmax,NPT do 10 j=1,14 10 read(20,*)dummy WRITE(6,11) 11 FORMAT(' Reading 14 parameters from starlight.dat') do 100 i = 1,numw read(20,*) warray(i) 100 continue do 200 i = 1,numy read(20,*) yarray(i) 200 continue do 300 i = 1,numw do 400 j = 1,numy read(20,*) farray(i,j) IF( farray(i,j) .gt. f_max )f_max=farray(i,j) 400 continue 300 continue C Normalize farray (JN 010402) do 500 i = 1,numw do 600 j = 1,numy farray(i,j) = farray(i,j)/f_max 600 continue 500 continue C Is there a pt table (for vector mesons with interference)? if (gg_or_gP .eq. 1) goto 1000 if (iinterfere .eq. 0) goto 1000 C only numy/2 y bins here, from 0 (not -ymax) to ymax do 800 j=1,numy/2 fmax=0. C we want to convert fptarray to an integral array where C fpt(j,1) is near 0, and fpt(j,NPT) ~ 1. This will facilitate C a simple table lookup fptsum=0. do 700 k=1,NPT read(20,*)fpart finterm(j,k)=fpart fptarray(j,k)=0. fptsum=fptsum+fpart 700 continue C convert array to integral fptarray(j,1)=finterm(j,1)/fptsum do 750 k=2,NPT do 730 kk=1,k fptarray(j,k)=fptarray(j,k)+finterm(j,kk) 730 continue fptarray(j,k)=fptarray(j,k)/fptsum C write(6,740)j,k,fptarray(j,k),fmax C 740 format(' ',I3,2X,I3,E11.3,2X,E11.3) 750 continue 800 continue 1000 close (unit=20) return end