DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION nrbw(W,ANORM,B,C) C Relativistic Breit-Wigner according to J.D. Jackson, C Nuovo Cimento 34, 6692 (1964), with nonresonant term. A is the strength C of the resonant term and b the strength of the non-resonant C term. C is an overall normalization. IMPLICIT NONE include '' include '' include '' DOUBLE PRECISION W,ANORM,B,C DOUBLE PRECISION ppi,ppi0,GammaPrim,rat DOUBLE PRECISION aa,bb,cc C width depends on energy - Jackson Eq. A.2 C if below threshold, then return 0. Added 5/3/2001 SRK C 0.5% extra added for safety margin if (W .LT. 2.01*mpi) THEN nrbw=0. return ENDIF ppi=DSQRT( (W/2.)**2 - mpi*mpi ) ppi0=0.358 C handle phi-->K+K- properly if (ip .eq. 333) then if (W .LT. 2.*mK) THEN nrbw=0. return ENDIF ppi=DSQRT( (W/2.)**2- mK*mK) ppi0=DSQRT( (mass/2)**2-mK*mK) endif rat=ppi/ppi0 GammaPrim=width*(mass/W)*rat*rat*rat aa=ANORM*DSQRT(GammaPrim*mass*W) bb=W*W-mass*mass cc=mass*GammaPrim C real part^2 nrbw = ( (aa*bb)/(bb*bb+cc*cc) + B)**2 C imaginary part^2 nrbw = nrbw + ( (aa*cc)/(bb*bb+cc*cc) )**2 C Alternative, a simple, no-background BW, following J. Breitweg et al. C Eq. 15 of Eur. Phys. J. C2, 247 (1998). SRK 11/10/2000 C nrbw = (ANORM*mass*GammaPrim/(bb*bb+cc*cc))**2 nrbw = C*nrbw RETURN END