DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION flux(Egamma) C This routine gives the photon flux as a function of energy Egamma C It works for arbitrary nuclei and gamma; the first time it is C called, it calculates a lookup table which is used on C subsequent calls C x C it returns dN_gamma/dE (dimensions 1/E), not dI/dE C energies are in GeV, in the lab frame C rewritten 4/25/2001 by SRK IMPLICIT NONE include '' include '' include '' DOUBLE PRECISION Egamma,lEgamma,Emin,Emax,lnEmin,lnEmax DOUBLE PRECISION stepmult,energy,rZ,rmult,beta INTEGER j,nbstep,jb,nrstep,jr,nphistep,jphi,nstep DOUBLE PRECISION bmin,bmax,bmult,biter,bold,integratedflux DOUBLE PRECISION fluxelement,rmin,deltar,riter DOUBLE PRECISION deltaphi,phiiter,dist DOUBLE PRECISION dide(1:400),dlnE,lnElt DOUBLE PRECISION Xvar,Dbesk1,Dbesk0 INTEGER Icheck,I,Ilt INTEGER ILOW,IHIGH DOUBLE PRECISION deltab,brange,bin,ra REAL PofB SAVE Icheck,dide,lnEMax,lnEmin,dlnE DATA Icheck/0/ C first call? - initialize - calculate photon flux Icheck=Icheck+1 IF( 1000 rz=float(Z) ra=float(A) C Nuclear breakup is done by PofB.f C collect number of integration steps here, in one place nbstep=400 nrstep=60 nphistep=40 C this last one is the number of energy steps nstep=100 C following previous choices, take Emin=10 keV at LHC, Emin = 1 MeV at RHIC Emin=1.E-5 if (gamma_em .lt. 500) Emin=1.E-3 C maximum energy is 12 times the cutoff C 25 GeV for gold at RHIC, 650 GeV for lead at LHC Emax=12.*hbarc*gamma_em/RNuc C >> lnEmin <-> ln(Egamma) for the 0th bin C >> lnEmax <-> ln(Egamma) for the last bin lnEmin=DLOG(Emin) lnEmax=DLOG(Emax) dlnE=(lnEmax-lnEmin)/nstep write(6,5)Emin,Emax 5 format(' flux.f. Calculating flux for photon energies', &'from E=',E11.3,' to ',E11.3,' GeV (lab frame).') stepmult= dexp(dlog(Emax/Emin)/float(nstep)) energy=Emin do 100 j=1,nstep energy=energy*stepmult C integrate flux over 2R_A < b < 2R_A+ 6* gamma hbar/energy C use exponential steps bmin=2.*RNuc bmax=bmin + 6.*hbarc*gamma_em/energy bmult=dexp(dlog(bmax/bmin)/float(nbstep)) biter=bmin integratedflux=0. do 90 jb=1,nbstep bold=biter biter=biter*bmult C When we get to b>20R_A change methods - just take the photon flux C at the center of the nucleus. if (biter .gt. 10.*RNuc) THEN C if there is no nuclear breakup or only hadronic breakup, which only C occurs at smaller b, we can analytically integrate the flux from b~20R_A C to infinity, following Jackson (2nd edition), Eq. 15.54 Xvar=energy*biter/(hbarc*gamma_em) C if (ibreakup .eq. 1 .or. ibreakup .eq. 5) then C beta=dsqrt(1.-1./gamma_em**2) C fluxelement=(2.0/pi)*rZ*rZ*alpha/energy* C * (Xvar*Dbesk0(Xvar)*Dbesk1(Xvar) - C *beta*beta/2*Xvar*Xvar*(Dbesk1(Xvar)**2-Dbesk0(Xvar)**2)) C integratedflux=integratedflux+fluxelement C branch out of the b loop. We're done at this photon energy C GOTO 95 C ENDIF C Here, there is nuclear breakup. So, we can't use the integrated flux C However, we can do a single flux calculation, at the center of the C nucleus C Eq. 41 of Vidovic, Greiner and Soff, Phys. Rev. C47, 2308 (1993), among other places C this is the flux per unit area fluxelement = (rZ*rZ*alpha*energy)*(Dbesk1(Xvar))**2/ *((pi*gamma_em*hbarc)**2) ELSE C integrate over nuclear surface. n.b. this assumes total shadowing - C treat photons hitting the nucleus the same no matter where they strike fluxelement=0. deltar=RNuc/float(nrstep) riter=-deltar/2. do 80 jr=1,nrstep riter=riter+deltar C use symmetry; only integrate from 0 to pi (half circle) deltaphi=pi/float(nphistep) phiiter=0. do 70 jphi=1,nphistep phiiter=(float(jphi)-0.5)*deltaphi C dist is the distance from the center of the emitting nucleus to the point in question dist=sqrt((biter+riter*cos(phiiter))**2+ *(riter*sin(phiiter))**2) Xvar=energy*dist/(hbarc*gamma_em) flux = (rZ*rZ*alpha*energy)*(Dbesk1(Xvar))**2/ *((pi*gamma_em*hbarc)**2) C The surface element is 2.* delta phi* r * delta r C The '2' is because the phi integral only goes from 0 to pi fluxelement=fluxelement+flux*2.*deltaphi*riter*deltar C end phi and r integrations 70 continue 80 continue C average fluxelement over the nuclear surface fluxelement=fluxelement/(pi*RNuc**2) C write(6,85)biter,fluxelement,Xvar C 85 format(' b<2R_A = ',F7.3,' fluxelement= ',E11.3,' Xvar= ',E11.3) ENDIF C multiply by volume element to get total flux in the volume element fluxelement=fluxelement*2.*pi*biter*(biter-bold) C modulate by the probability of nuclear breakup as f(biter) IF (ibreakup .gt. 1) THEN fluxelement=fluxelement*PofB(biter) ENDIF integratedflux=integratedflux+fluxelement 90 continue C end energy integration 95 continue C In lookup table, store k*dN/dk because it changes less C so the interpolation should be better dide(j)=integratedflux*energy C write(6,97)energy,dide(j) C 97 format(' Energy,flux= ',E11.3,' ',E11.3) 100 continue C for 2nd and subsequent calls, use lookup table immediately 1000 lEgamma=DLOG(Egamma) IF ( lEgamma .gt.lnEmax)THEN WRITE(6,1005)Egamma 1005 FORMAT(' ERROR: Egamma outside defined range. Egamma= ',E11.3) flux=0.0 ELSE C >> Egamma between Ilt and Ilt+1 Ilt = INT((lEgamma-lnEmin)/dlnE) C >> ln(Egamma) for first point lnElt = lnEmin + Ilt*dlnE C >> Interpolate flux = dide(Ilt) + ((lEgamma-lnElt)/dlnE)* &(dide(Ilt+1)- dide(Ilt)) flux = flux/Egamma ENDIF RETURN END