/* just chains root files */ #ifndef IO_H #define IO_H #include "TString.h" #include "TObject.h" #include #include #include #include //typedef pair myPair class TChain; class IO : public TObject{ public: IO(const char* dir="./", const char* match="st_physics", const char* ext=".root"); ~IO(); void setNFile(int n) { mNFile = n; } void chain(TChain* chain); int addChainFile(TChain *chain, char *fileName); void createDb(const char* dbFile); /* int createDb(const char* dbFile, const char* inputList); int addDb(const char* dbFile); void showDb(); void sortDb(); int entriesDb(); int entries(const char* file); */ private: int mNFile; TString mDir; TString mMatch; TString mExt; /* /// the internal database, a vector containing pairs of file names and number of events vector< myPair > mDb; vector< myPair >::iterator iter; */ ClassDef(IO,1) }; /// number of entries in internal data base //inline int IO::entriesDb() { return mDb.size(); } #endif