Physics 5B : General Physics : Spring 1998 : Tu/Th 9:00 - 11:50
Instructor : Dr. Jack Osborne
REQUIRED TEXT: The text for the course is Contemporary College Physics (2nd Edition) by Jones & Childers. This text and the lecture notes are the primary sources for the course. You are responsible for all assigned sections of the text in addition to lecture material that may not be covered in the text. There are also a Student Study Guide and Solution Manual as optional materials available.
COURSE OBJECTIVE: The student will apply the principles of physics to describe, explain, and predict the behavior of objects and devices. The student will also develop problem solving skills.
METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: During class the course material will be presented by lectures using the white board, demonstrations, laboratory experiments, and group problem solving sessions. Students will also be assigned reading and problems as homework assignments.
ATTENDENCE: I have no set attendence policy. But, missed experiments, exams, assignments, etc., are very detrimental to the overall grade in the course. Please come to class on time. Late entries into the classroom are quite disruptive.
GRADES: The course will be graded on a curve. The course grade will be based on the students performance throughout the semester. In particular each of 3 midterms will account for 12.5% of a students grade, and the final examination, homework assignments (with any quizzes), and laboratory work will each account for 25%. This totals to 112.5%. A students lowest 12.5% will be dropped when calculating course grades. But to achieve a good course grade a student must perform well in all areas.
EXAMS: (Tentative dates are given in the Schedule.) There will be three midterm exams plus a final exam. The exams will mainly involve solving problems. There may be a short section of multiple choice questions designed to test conceptual understanding. The exams are closed book with no notes or formula pages allowed. Most useful equations and constants will be provided. Calculators are allowed, but NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANSWERS WITHOUT WORK SHOWN. Make up exams, except in dire emergencies, must be arranged BEFORE the date of the exam and may be oral examinations.
REGRADES: Graded examinations most likely will be returned at the next class meeting. If you have a grievance on the grading of an exam problem, you can submit the problem for regrading by attaching a short note to the exam. DO NOT WRITE ON THE EXAM! Regrade requests should be given to me either before or after class or place in my office mailbox. Regrades will be accepted for ONE WEEK only after the exam is returned.
LABORATORY WORK: During the semester, the class will perform
several physics experiments. The class will be split into small groups
to perform these experiments and each group will turn in a report
detailing what the students achieved/accomplished with the experiment
by the end of that days class. Details on what should be included in
lab reports will be given before the first experiment. A students
participation and attitude also subjectively affect that student's lab
grade. Some experiments will have oral individual lab reports.
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: About 15 problems along with a reading asignment will be assigned as homework each week. These problems are due at the start of class on Thursday (9:00 A.M.) the week after they are assigned. Late homework will be accepted, but given a substantial score reduction. These homework problems are a very important part of the course and those assigned are considered the BARE MINIMUM necessary to understand the course material. A students should expect to work many more problems on their own. Because I am more interested on how you obtained a particular answer rather than what the answer is, NO CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN FOR ANSWERS WITHOUT WORK SHOWN. I reserve the right to give unannounced pop quizzes. Any quizzes will be very similar to assigned problems and the quiz grade will count as part a student's homework grade.
EXTRA CREDIT: It is possible to gain extra credit. For each homework assignment a student may turn-in extra solved even-numbered problems WITH their current assignment from the same chapter as the current assignment. One-star problems will be worth one point and 2-star problems will be worth two points. A score on a particular homework assignment cannot exceed the value of the assigned problems. There will also be opportunities to do extra laboritory experiments. Scores on extra experiments will replace a lower score on a regular experiment.
ASSISTANCE: Since I live in Davis, I will be at EDC only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will hold periodic (at least once every two weeks) group problem-solving sessions during class meetings. I should be available from 8:30 to 9 before class for help/questions. Also, if a student needs extra individual help, I can arrive earlier in the morning if arranged in advance. If you are having difficulties, I heartily encourage you to come see me for help. I will NOT be available after class as I need to immediately depart from EDC in order to get to Davis in time to teach there at 1:40.
SCHEDULE: (tentative)