
We rerun the analysis with the requirement that pairs be unlike-sign removed (so called plots 'with background')
and note how much doubling the background affects the results. The plots are presented with and without statistics boxes.

MinBias - Five Parameter Fits

Five Parameter fits.

Plots are as follows left to right:

0.0 < y < 0.5
no background
0.0 < y < 0.5
with background
0.5 < y < 1.0
no background
0.5 < y < 1.0
with background
0.0 < y < 0.5
no background - no stats
0.0 < y < 0.5
with background - no stats
0.5 < y < 1.0
no background - no stats
0.5 < y < 1.0
with background - no stats

Topology - Five Parameter Fits

Five Parameter fits.

Plots are as follows left to right:

0.005 < y < 0.5
no background
0.005 < y < 0.5
with background
0.5 < y < 1.0
no background
0.5 < y < 1.0
with background
0.005 < y < 0.5
no background - no stats
0.005 < y < 0.5
with background - no stats
0.5 < y < 1.0
no background - no stats
0.5 < y < 1.0
with background - no stats